Volume 269
Entire issue: Proceedings of BSTU Issue 6 No.1 - History. Philosophy
Images of the national and common past in the views of Belarusians and Russians 5–10 UDC 316.74 |
Metrics of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania as a source on the history of Minsk Customs 11–15 UDC 339.543(09)(476) |
Control of governors over peasant self-government in Belarus (1864–1917) 16–21 UDC 94(476):352.075.31«18/19» |
Problems of philosophy of culture in Belarusian cultural Thought (late 19th – early 20th centuries) 22–26 UDC 130.2 |
Budget of the county town of Polotsk in the last third of the 19th – early 20th century 27–32 UDC 336.14:352(476.5)(091) «19/20» |
Program guidelines of the Russian parties of socialist orientation in the development of education and the position of teachers (late 19th – early 20th century) 33–39 UDC 37:329(470)М«18/19» |
Wages of workers and employees at factory enterprises in Minsk (late 19 th – early 20 th century) 40–44 UDC 331.2:334.716(476-25)(091)«19/20» |
Labor question in the Belarusian provinces of the Russian empire in the late 19th and early 20th centuries 45–49 UDC 94:331.104(476) |
S. F. Kovalik: revolutionary-narodnik, scientist, lecturer of the Belarusian Polytechnical Institute 50–54 UDC 94(47+57) |
Social assistance to the families of mobilized lower ranks and militia warriors in Minsk province during the First World War (July 1914 – March 1917) 55–61 UDC 94(476)+94(100)«1914/1917» |
The power of Soviets in Belarus in 1917 62–65 UDC 94(470)”1917” |
The role of education in the cultural and educational activities of the Belarusian national minority in Latvia (1918–1940) 66–72 UDC 94(476) |
Military parade and political carnival. Organization and holding of mass celebration in the capital of the BSSR in 1919–1925 73–79 UDC 94 (476)«1919/1925»+394.2(476) |
The Agitational-propaganda and political-educational work of the Minsk Provincial Military Commissariatin in 1920 80–85 UDC 355.233.233.1:378 |
Working faculty of Belarusian State University: formation and development 86–90 UDC 94(476) |
Legal aspects of the Belarusian emigration to Canada (1921–1939) 91–94 UDC 325.2:34(476=71) |
Interest-free credit bureaus on the territory of Western Belarus (1921–1939) 95–99 UDC 94(476) |
Social-political activity V. M. Ignatovsky of the 20s century 100–105 UDC 908, 94 (476) |
National policy in the BSSR in the field of press (1933–1939) 106–109 UDC 323.1(476)+94(476)«1933/1939» |
Restoration of correspondence pedagogical education of Belarus in the postoccupation and first post-war years 110–114 UDC 94(476) |
Staffing for agriculture in the Belarussian SSR (1970 – mid 1980s) 115–120 UDC 331.108:63(476)«1970/1980» |
Resolutions on forced migration of the UN General Assembly in the 21st century 121–125 UDC 341.123 |
Сurrent directions of the development of Western Belarusian issues in modern polish historiography 126–131 UDC 327:930(4) |
Labor resources: history of formation and development 132–135 UDC 331.5.024.54 |
Worldview values of achieving a secure future in conditions of global instability 136–141 UDC 140.8 |
Consolidation of world view factors in the generation оf society safety 142–149 UDC 140.8:177 |
Understanding as a phenomenon of intercultural dialogue: from I to Another 150–153 UDC 101.1 |
Sustainable development strategy in the context of modern information challenges 154–158 UDC [316.42+316.64:502/504](476) |
Social role and evaluation of convergent technologies 159–162 UDC 168 |
Open science as a new paradigm of scientific research: problems and perspectives (based on biomedical reserch) 163–169 UDC 001.92:60/61 |
The dialectical relationship of historical memory and oblivion in the concepts of F. R. Ankersmit and A. Assmann 170–175 UDC 1(091)+378 |
Semantic parallels of S. Kierkegaard’s existential dialectics of and Valentn’s gnostic anthropology 176–180 UDC 1(091)+141.32+273.1 |
Agency and alienation in the conditions of digital capitalism 181–186 UDC 316.47+316.772.4/5 |
The role of philosophy in the formation of the conceptual structure of social ecology 187–191 UDC 141.319.8+101.1:316 |
Military sphere of national security: main components, features and patterns of development 192–197 UDC 355.01 |
Digital competence as a way of social inclusion of older people 198–202 UDC 304.3 |
Circulation of infringing goods: violation of intellectual rights of authors and right holders, as well as consumer rights 203–206 UDC 347.77/.78(476) |
Subsidiary liability as a type of civil legal liability 207–210 UDC 347.78 |