Volume 247

Entire issue: Proceedings of BSTU Issue 2 No.2 (247) - Chemical engineering, biotechnologies, geoecology


Application of the autohydrolysis-explosion method in the processing of plant biomass 5–12

UDC 634.0.86

V. S. Boltovskiy

DOI : https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2021-247-2-5-12


Directions for improving production processes of feed yeast by processing of hydrolysates, obtained by acid hydrolysis of vegetable raw materials 13–18

UDC 634.0.86

V. S. Boltovskiy

DOI : https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2021-247-2-13-18


Technical properties of rubbers with new phenolic stabilizers 19–24

UDC 678.046:547.565.2

E. P. Uss,

Zh. S. Shashok,

N. R. Prokopchuk,

O. A. Krotova,

O. I. Shadyro,

G. A. Ksendzova

DOI : https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2021-247-2-19-24


Influence of butyl regenerate additives on properties of elastomeric compositions 25–32

UDC 678.046

Zh. S. Shashok,

N. R. Prokopchuk,

E. P. Uss,

A. V. Leshkevich,

O. A. Krotova,

S. N. Kayushnikov,

S. A. Perfilieva,

O. V. Karmanova,

S. G. Tikhomirov

DOI : https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2021-247-2-25-32


Influence of thermal vulcanization modes on rubber properties 33–38

UDC 678.028.2

A. A. Habrus,

S. N. Kayushnikov,

A. Yu. Lyushtyk,

Zh. S. Shashok,

E. P. Uss

DOI : https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2021-247-2-33-38


Properties of elastomeric compositions based on BNKS-18 with carbon nanostructural materials and reinforcing technical carbon 39–47

UDC 678.046

Zh. S. Shashok

DOI : https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2021-247-2-39-47


Study of the direction of the polycondensation of adipic acid with diethylenetriamine 48–52

UDC 547.461.6:544.7

Ya. V. Borkina,

V. L. Fleisher

DOI : https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2021-247-2-48-52


Kinetic characteristics of polycondensation of the adipic acid with diethylenetriamine 53–59

UDC 547.461.6:544.4

Ya. V. Borkina,

V. L. Fleisher

DOI : https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2021-247-2-53-59


Obtaining terpene oxygen-containing compounds by liquidphase oxidation of α-pinene with atmospheric oxygen catalyzed by the Сo2+ – Н2О2 system 60–66

UDC 665.948:661.862’027.73

A. А. Sosnovskaya,

V. L. Fleisher

DOI : https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2021-247-2-60-66


Influence of geometric parameters of regular structured packing on hydrodynamics and mass transfer 67–71

UDC 66.021.3

 P. Ye. Vaytsekhovich,

 D. Yu. Mytsko,

 A. M. Volk

DOI : https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2021-247-2-67-71

Effect of mineralizing additives on the synthesis of corundum ceramics 72–79

UDC 666.3.017

R. Yu. Popov,

F. I. Pantsialeyenka,

H. M. Shymanskaya,

E. M. Dyatlova,

K. B. Podbolotov

DOI : https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2021-247-2-72-79


Research of the properties of thermocuring compositions based on epoxy and terpenomaleine resins 80–85

UDC 676.085.4

A. Yu. Klyuev

DOI : https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2021-247-2-80-85


Composition and properties of Scots pine essential oil Pinus Sylvestris L. growing in the same ecological and soil-climatic conditions of the Republic of Belarus 86–93

UDC 630.187.1+630.551.52

S. А. Lamotkin,

T. I. Akhramovich,

A. V. Sakovich

DOI : https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2021-247-2-86-93


Study of composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oils of a series of coniferous trees 94–99

UDC 630.187.1+630.551.52

S. А. Lamotkin,

T. I. Akhramovich,

A. V. Sakovich,

D. A. Budkovskaya

DOI : https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2021-247-2-94-99


Determination of the source and mechanism of corrosion formation of the liquor heater tubes in the KCl production 100–106

UDC 620.193

V. S. Frantskevich,

A. U. Paspelau,

D. A. Kostyukovets

DOI : https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2021-247-2-100-106


Antagonism effects which occur in HDPE compositions modifying additives 107–114

UDC 678.7-036

L. A. Lenartovich,

N. R. Prokopchuk,

O. M. Kasperovich

DOI : https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2021-247-2-107-114

Microwave dewatering and detoxification of sewage sludge 115–120

UDC 628.15

А. V. Ignatenko

DOI : https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2021-247-2-115-120


Removal of nitrogen compounds in wastewater treatment with granulated activated sludge 121–125

UDC 628.355

S. O. Lukashevich,

O. V. Nester,

R. M. Markevich

DOI : https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2021-247-2-121-125


Recuperative air heater for industrial furnace 126–132

UDC 536.24:66.045.12

V. I. Volodin

DOI : https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2021-247-2-126-132


Comparative analysis of extractive capacity solvents for cleaning aromatic oils from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 133–137

UDC 66.061

E. I. Grushova,

V. I. Zholnerkevich

DOI : https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2021-247-2-133-137


The use of petroleum polymer resin for regulation of strength properties of SBS-modified bitumens 138–143

UDC 665.775.4

Yu. A. Stepanovich,

E. A. Tverdova,

A. O. Shrubok

DOI : https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2021-247-2-138-143


Synthesis and properties of 2-alkyl-1-(2-aminoethyl)-2-imidazolines144–152

UDC 665.7.038.5

A. I. Usevich,

V. V. Tsalko,

K. M. Asipionak,

D. V. Kuzemkin

DOI : https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2021-247-2-144-152


Preparation and research properties of aluminosilicate binders for easy-to-break casting molds153–158

UDC 666.762.18:621.744.3

N. M. Shalukho,

E. V. Lukash,

A. S. Koridorova

DOI : https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2021-247-2-153-158


Future perspectives in recycling of wet-strength paper containing poliamidoamine-epichlorohydrin resins 159–165

UDC 676.038:676.017.44

A. A. Penkin

DOI : https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2021-247-2-159-165


Prediction of the durability of polymer coatings in potassium ore processing machine conditions 166–174

UDC 620,667.6

A. N. Potpachik,

A. L. Egorova,

D. A. Grinuk

DOI : https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2021-247-2-166-174


Development of a method for predicting the durability of anticorrosive paint coatings 175–186

UDC 620,667.6

A. N. Potpachik,

A. L. Egorova

DOI : https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2021-247-2-175-186


Development of calcium phosphate compositions for 3D printing of ceramics 187–198

UDC 666.6

H. N. Shymanskaya,

R. Yu. Popov,

F. I. Pantsialeyenka,

A. D. Podsosonnaya,

D. A. Baihazin,

A. V. Pospelov

DOI : https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2021-247-2-187-198



Extraction of phosphates from waste water of calcium-silicatecontaining materials 199-204

UDC 628.316.12:661.183.6

A. S. Vasileuski,

I. V. Voitau

DOI : https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2021-247-2-199-204


Using solid municipal waste as alternative fuels for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the energy and waste sectors of the Republic of Belarus 205–213

UDC 504.0

D. V. Melekh,

R. V. Mikhalevich,

I. P. Narkevitch

DOI : https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2021-247-2-205-213