UDC 1(091)+378


Wang Xin – PhD student, the Department Philosophy and Methodology of Science. Belarusian State University (9, Kal'variyskaya str., 220050, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:



Key words: artificial intelligence, Chinese higher education, modernization of education, digital higher education.

For citation: Wang Xin. Artificial intelligence as a factor in the modernization of Chinese higher education. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2024, no. 1 (281), pp. 155–163. DOI: 10.52065/2520-6885-2024-281-29.


The rapid development of artificial intelligence technology has revolutionized higher education in China. The latest technologies have changed the trajectory of its development and changed its fundamental meanings. In the modern era, the digitization of higher education and the integration of artificial intelligence into its foundation have become key topics in education reform and innovation. However, this technological leap also comes with numerous challenges. In today's world, society faces key questions: how to use digital transformation to develop higher education in China, how to understand the fundamental logic of digital higher education in the context of the evolving relationship between people and technology, and how to develop reliable guidelines for use artificial intelligence. In the modern world, society faces key questions: how to use digital transformation to develop higher education in China, how to understand the fundamental logic of digital higher education in the context of the evolving relationship between humans and technology, and how to develop reliable recommendations for the use of artificial intelligence. Resolving these issues is necessary for the smooth integration of artificial intelligence into Chinese higher education, its deep integration and stimulation of educational progress. This article addresses these critical issues, exploring the potential and pitfalls of using artificial intelligence in higher education to chart a path for the successful integration of this technology into the educational process not only in China, but also for use in progressive educational methodologies around the world.




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