Volume 239
Entire issue: Proceedings of BSTU Issue 6 No.2 - History. Philosophy
The problem of ethnogenesis of Belarusians in the Great Russian and domestic historiography of the XIX – beginning of the XX century 5–9 UDC 321.1(476)(470):94» |
Reflection of historical memory in the historiography of the Belarusian statehood of the XX century 10–13 UDC 94(470)(476):323.1 |
Principles or priorities: early Tudor’s foreign policy foundations reconsidered 14–18 UDC [94(420)«1485/1558»] |
The development of church-state relations in the USA during the second half of the XIX century 19–23 UDC 973:2 |
Providing the educational process in the elementary school of Belarus in the second half of the XIX – beginning of the XX century (pedagogical literature) 24–27 UDC 37.018(476)«18/19» |
Agriculture and industry of Belarus at the changing point of World War I 28–36 UDC 323.323.2(476) |
Geopolitical concepts of Belarusian national leaders before and after the First world war 37–43 UDC 327(476)”1909/1933 |
The cultural and national identity of Belarusians in Latvia during the interwar period 44–49 UDC 39(476+474.3)«1918/1939» |
Teaching humanities disciplines at the medical faculty of the Belarusian State University in the 1920s 50–53 UDC 091.378(476-25) |
Activity of the istprofs in the Soviet Belarus in the 1920s 54–58 UDC 9:331.105.44 (476) |
Peculiarities of the material and technical arrangement of the state border in BSSR in 1922–1931th 59–63 UDC 341.222 (476) «1922/1931» |
Strange Winter War 64–67 UDC 355. 42.424 |
Social reconstruction in the districts of the BSSR liberated in autumn 1943–spring 1944 68–74 UDC 94(476) |
General concept and basic reserch methods of state policy for the development of general secondary education in Belarus in the 1943−1980s 75–79 UDC 94(476) |
Labor education and proforientation of students in the rural secondary school of the BSSR (1970s–1980s) 80–84 UDC 373. 68. 047 (476) |
“Stories on the history of the USSR” as a tool for forming the historical consciousness of younger schoolchildren 85–88 UDC 94(47):172.15-053.5 |
Views of modern Russian military experts on economic methods and means of warfare 89–92 UDC 355.013.3 |
Co-evolutionary noospheric style of thinking in improving education and achieving a secure future 93–103 UDC 141.7 |
Managing the will of man as a goal and an important principle of warfare 104–110 UDC 355.01 |
Epistemological and paradigmatic issues in the context of interdisciplinarity, pluridisciplinarity and trans-disciplinarity of scientific research 111–114 UDC 165.6:167 |
Public opinion as social institute 115–118 UDC 32.019.5 |
On legal regulation of the use of restorative mediation in criminal proceedings of the Republic of Belarus 119–125 UDC 34. 343.1 |
Legal regulation of remote work 126–129 UDC 347.78 |