UDC 94(476)”1919–1939”

Ananka Kiryl Dzmitryevich – postgraduate student, Yanka Kupala Grodno State University (22, Azheshka str., 230023, Hrodna, Republic of Belarus)); history teacher at Gymnasium № 7 named after V. T. Kolokolnikov. E-mail:

DOI: 10.52065/2520-6885-2024-287-7.

Key words: periodization, belarusian gymnasiums, Western Belarus, Poland, interwar period.

For citation: Ananka K. D. Periodization of the functioning of belarusian gymnasiums in Western Belarus (1919–1939). Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2024, no. 2 (287), pp. 41–45 (In Belarusian). DOI: 10.52065/2520-6885-2024-287-7.


The article analyses the Belarusian and foreign histories and discusses the problem of the transition of belarusian gymnasiums in the territory of Western Belarus in 1919–1939. Belarusian gymnasiums are institutions of common education with the belarusian language of instruction in Western Belarus, created or reorganised by belarusian organisations and activists in order to develop the educational process and promote national identity. The author examines the attempts of belarusian and foreign historians to identify the basic stages of the cultural and secular belarusian life in Western Belarus, and the development of the national science. Based on the internal and external facts of the development of educational institutions, the author defines a proper division into periods, which consists of several stages: the stage of development of programmes and establishment of the belarusian national public school in the territory of Western Belarus under the conditions of the Polish-Soviet war; inclusion of belarusian gymnasiums into the polish educational system as independent institutions of traditional education after the conclusion of the Treaty of Riga in 1921; the stage of crisis in the life of belarusian gymnasiums, connected with their institutionalisation; the stage of the state reinforcement of grammar schools, the liquidation of educational institutions by the polish authorities. In conclusion, the author makes a conclusion about the absence in the modern historiography of studies of the development of belarusian schools. In his opinion, the unravelling of this problem can lead to the development of a course in the study of the national and cultural aspect of the history of Western Belarus.



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