UDC 070.4:659.21

Kornievskaya Ekaterina Dmitriyevna – Master of Philology, PhD student, the Department of Communication Technologies and Public Relations. The Faculty of Journalism of the Belarusian State University (16, Belgradskaya str., 220065, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:


DOI: 10.52065/2520-6729-2024-285-9.

Key words: multimedia editorial office, content, information noise, target audience.

For citation: Kornievskaya E. D. Multimedia editorial offices in communication with the target audience: content strategy and information noise. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2024, no. 2 (285), pp. 65–75 (In Russian). DOI: 10.52065/2520-6729-2024-285-9.


The article discusses the process of media production and content production, revealing five typical omissions that multimedia editorial offices make. Duplicated and aimless content, advertising in content, absence of a specialized specialist, content without taking feedback into account – these are the most common omissions in the work of the media, which create obstacles to the quality perception of the material by the audience. In order to identify the difficulties with the target audience and to formulate recommendations for developing a content plan, a field study of ten Belarusian print media was conducted: “Vitebskie vesti”, “Vechernii Mogilev”, “Vestnik Mogileva”, “Gomel’skiye vedomosti”, “Grodnenskaya pravda”, “Minskaya pravda”, “Brestskii vestnik”, “Vestnik Naftana”, “Nash krai” (Baranovichi) and “Arshanskaya gazeta”. The obtained results made it possible to solve the task of the research – to identify and systematize the problems in the production of media content taking into account the miscalculations in the organization of the relationship between the editorial office and the target audience, as well as to reveal the subject of information noise faced by the audience. It was found that identification of the target audience and regular support of communication with users of social networks and messengers contribute to the creation of quality media products. Content that lacks interactivity and is outside of metrics reduces the growth of a media outlet’s loyal audience. And the use of retention strategy contributes to the growth of the loyal audience of the publication and gives favorable conditions even at low CRR. Media marketing specialists are able to develop a content plan for individual work of the editorial office with the conducted analysis and calculated indicators. Restoring feedback from the target audience through a competently built content strategy is the goal of every modern media outlet planning to achieve success in the multimedia space.



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