UDC 811.161.3'373.46:630
Rusak Vol’ga Uladzimirauna – PhD (Philology), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Belarusian Philology. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:
DOI: 10.52065/2520-6729-2024-285-22.
Key words: Keywords: forestry terminology, hyper-hyponymic taxonomy, antonym terms, terminological synonymy and variation, terminological polysemy and homonymy.
For citation: Rusak V. U. Рaradigmatic relations in the system belarusian forestry terminology. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Мediatechnologies, 2024, no. 2 (285), pp. 160–167 (In Belarusian). DOI: 10.52065/2520-6729-2024-285-22.
The article is devoted to the analysis of paradigmatic connections in Belarusian forestry terminology. The work analyzed the phenomena of hyponymy, antonymy, synonymy, variant, polysemy and homonymy in forestry terminology. It is noted that hyponyms, through the techniques of concretization and generalization, contribute to the ordering of terms within the system and provide an explanation of meanings. It was found that the leading property of hyponymy is the possibility of the same lexeme, which is an element of taxonomic relations, to act as both a hyponym and a hyperonym. Depending on the number of signs by which the generic name is concretized, hyper-hyponymic groups with parallel, consecutive and combined structures are distinguished. It is noted that formal-semantic and properly semantic hyponymic connections are distinguished in the Belarusian terminology of forestry. In the Belarusian forestry terminology, the following groups of antonymous terms have been identified: contradictory, contrast, vector. Within the analyzed term system, the antonymy of lexical and word-forming types is realized. Types of terminological synonyms by structural characteristics (lexical, lexical-syntactic, syntactic) were analyzed. It was found that the analyzed terminology includes terms-variants of several types: phoneticphonemic, accentual, morphological, word-forming. The phenomena of polysemy and homonymy in forestry terminology are considered. It is noted that in the analyzed field there are ambiguous terms that go beyond special fields of knowledge, inter-system and intra-system polysemantics. Compared to polysemy, homonymy in Belarusian forestry terminology has not been expanded.
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