UDC 811:629.7
Boika Tatsiana Igorevna – Senior Lecturer, the Department of Language Training. Belarusian State Aviation Academy (77, Uborevicha str., 220096, Minsk, Republic of Belarus); external doctorate student, the Department of Linguistics and Linguodidactics. Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank (18, Sovetskaya str., 220030, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:
DOI: 10.52065/2520-6729-2024-285-14.
Key words: argumentation, argumentative discourse, types of argumentation, argumentation markers, scientific text.
For citation: Boika T. I. Linguistic aspects of the argumentation in the aviation discourse. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- Mediatechnologies, 2024, no. 2 (285), pp. 103–108 (In Russian). DOI: 10.52065/2520-6729-2024-285-14.
The purpose of this article is to analyze the linguistic aspects of argumentation in aviation scientific texts. Aviation discourse is implemented in scientific texts of various genres (textbooks, reports of aviation specialists, reports of Aircraft Accident Investigation Board, aircraft operating manuals). Argumentation in aviation discourse is a special type of communication associated with aviation activities and air transport. Currently argumentation markers in aviation texts have not been studied. Using the linguistic methodology of argumentation analysis, based on the material of aviation scientific texts, the author identifies and describes the main types of argumentation markers (explanation, conclusion,objection, example) and their functions (commenting, signaling, informative and organizational). Two groups of argumentation markers are identified: rational argumentation markers, affecting the addressee’s mind, and emotional argumentation markers, aimed at the addressee’s emotions. The predominance of rational argumentation over emotional argumentation in scientific aviation texts is proved. Linguistic research of aviation discourse allows us to understand the peculiarities of the language of the aviation industry and identify the functions of argumentation markers in English-language scientific aviation texts in order to more accurately formulate and interpret information messages and scientific texts, as well as realize their pragmatic potential. The results of the study will contribute to a more effective use of language in scientific aviation literature to achieve communicative and educational goals.
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