UDC 821.161.3«1920/1930»
Kolyada Ina Vladimirovna – PhD (History), Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, the Department of History of Belarus and Political Science. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus)
Key words: Belarusianization, state policy, national and cultural construction, Belarusian language, history, culture, ideology, national democracy.
For citation: Kalyada I. U. National policy in the Belarus in the 1920s: effects and causes of termination. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2024, no. 1 (281), pp. 38–43 (In Belarusian). DOI: 10.52065/2520-6885-2024-281-7
The article examines the implementation and problems of national policy in the BSSR in the 1920s, its main directions and the reasons for its cancellation. Belarusianization of the 1920s is a policy of national-state and national-cultural construction, the program of which included the translation into Belarusian of the records of party, state, trade union and cooperative apparatuses; nomination of Belarusians for party, Soviet, trade union and public work; organization of schools, secondary and higher educational institutions with teaching in the Belarusian language; development of Belarusian literature, research work on the comprehensive study of Belarus, expansion of periodical printing, etc. At the same time, the tasks of spreading knowledge on the history, culture, geography, and economy of Belarus were solved. Belarusianization awakened wide circles of Bedarus population to an active national life. In less than a decade, national education and research institutions, national theater and cinema were created; a generation of young Belarusian writers and artists appeared; the history and culture of the Belarusian people were widely studied. In the second half of the 1920s in Belarus, alongside Belarusianization, a second process took place – dogmatism gained strength, prohibitions were approved in spiritual life, and attitudes that distorted the essence of Belarusianization were more and more persistently introduced. These processes were closely related to the collapse of the NEP model of the development of socialism, which could not but be reflected in the party's ideological activity. A campaign to fight against national democracy begins, which has caused great damage to Belarusianization. Rejection of the new economic policy, the general transition to administrative and command methods of managing society inevitably led to deformation in the national and cultural sphere.
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