UDC [304.4 + 316.42] (476)
Zakharova Natallia Evgen’evna – PhD (Philosophy), Leader of the Department of Social Ecology and Bioethics. Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (1/2, Surganova str., 220072, Minsk, Republik of Belarus). E-mail:
Key words: society, social capital, environmental culture, environmental responsibility, social trust, sustainable development.
For citation: Zakharаva N. E. Social capital as a factor environmental responsibility of the society. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2023, no. 1 (281), pp. 126–130 (In Belarusian). DOI: 10.52065/2520-6885-2024-281-24.
The article defines methodological approaches to the analysis of the concept of «social capital», its measurement and quantification in the context of the development of principles and implementation of criteria for optimal (mutually agreed upon) socio-natural development of society and man. It is proved that changing the priorities of the economy towards safe human life puts the principles of ecocentrism at the basis of social policy. The problem of polarization of society is considered in the context of global environmental risks against the background of financial, political, and economic uncertainties. The task of preserving and improving the social conditions of life of the majority of the population (availability of education, health care, social protection) must be solved taking into account the relativity, relatability of all social dreams of our time, taking into account the transitive nature of socio-political and economic processes in society. It is also important to take into account the problematic, open-for-discussion nature of the very understanding of sustainable progressive development of society as achieving the necessary quality of life. It is shown that since the social policy of the state is macro-social and covers the entire or significant part of society, it most often goes beyond the boundaries of the personal circle of life and is scaled up. The environmental responsibility of society and the state, of every citizen, which corresponds to the model of sustainable development and a high level of environmental culture, is manifested in the need to preserve and restore the natural environment, maintain one’s health, be responsible for the “environmental friendliness” of one’s actions, perceiving them not only as a personal existential problem, but also as a socially significant value. Social capital in Belarusian society, with the proper level of social trust, can be positioned as a factor in increasing environmental responsibility and greening policy in general.
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