UDC .319.8+101.1:316
Chаrvinsky Alexander Sergeevich – PhD (Philosophy), Senior Researcher, the Department of Social Ecology and Bioethics. Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (1/2, Surganova str., 220072, Minsk, Republik of Belarus). E-mail:
Key words: biogeocenological concept of V. I. Vernadsky, the concept of living matter, biogeochemical principles, “organization of the biosphere,” biogenic migration.
For citation: Chаrvinsky A. S. Natural scientific heritage of V. I. Vernadsky as the basis for socio-ecological research. Proceedings of BSTU, 6, History, Philosophy, 2024, no. 1 (281), pp. 116–121 (In Belarusian). DOI: 10.52065/2520-6885-2024-281-22.
The article discusses the biogeochemical concept of V. I. Vernadsky, its structure is explored, the methodological potential of the concept in socio-ecological research is revealed, its regulatory role in the processes of optimizing the interaction between man and nature at the present stage is determined. The conclusion is substantiated that the biogeochemical concept itself does not contain conclusions about the pattern of changes in the natural determinants of the evolution of the biosphere to anthropogenic ones, about the fundamental possibility of replacing the natural mechanism of the processes of material and energy exchange in ecological systems with artificial ones, about the reality of the prospect of the emergence of a socially managed natural habitat, as one of the stages of development of the biosphere. The definition of the regulatory role of humans in preserving the integrity of the biosphere is outlined by V. I. Vernadsky in the concept of the noosphere, and in this sense, both concepts should be considered as a logical complement to the original biogeochemical interpretation of biosphere processes, enriched with an analysis of the role of anthropogenic influence. The scientist’s conclusion that the development of the biosphere is based on the struggle between the opposites of the organism and its environment as inseparable parts is of fundamental importance. It is the contradiction between living and abiotic matter, but not the internal contradictions of living matter (processes of assimilation and dissimilation), that is the determining factor in the evolution of natural systems at all levels of their organization. Creative heritage of V. I. Vernadsky contains significant prospects for considering the quality of the natural environment according to the principle: essence - properties - functions, and in this manifestation corresponds to the role of the methodological basis for describing the quality of the natural environment
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