UDC 378.662(476)
Kuksa Aleksander Nikolaevich – PhD (History), Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, the Department of History. Belarusian National Technical University (65, Nezavisimosti Ave., Minsk, 220013, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:
Key words: higher school, vocational schools, technical education, overproduction crisis, Belarusian educational district.
For citation: Kuksa A. N. Technical knowledge and educational in stitutions in Belarus late 18th ‒ early 19th century. Proceedings of BSTU, issue. 6, History, Philosophy, 2024, no. 1 (281), pp. 5–9 (In Russian). DOI: 10.52065/2520-6885-2024-281-1.
The Industrial Revolution in Europe has actualized the issues of creating special educational institutions. But in England, where the industrial revolution was carried out at the expense of colonial possessions and an infusion of capital from outside, separate technical schools and institutes were not opened. It was only in the 19th century that technical faculties and departments gradually began to appear at universities. Higher education was aimed at training a gentleman, and engineers were educated in other countries, most of all in Germany.These processes, due to the natural environment, economic structure and traditions, had a number of differences in the Russian Empire, which included Belarusian lands at the end of the 18th century. Belarus was influenced by two systems presented by the commission (1773) of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the commission (1782) of the Russian Empire, which reorganized public education on the principles of secularism and the dissemination of practical knowledge. In the 18th century the Russian Empire, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Germany, Austria-Hungary and other countries associated the transition to a new economic order with the construction of an education system focused on the dissemination of practical knowledge. The organization of the Vilna Educational District (VED) was based on the developments of the Educational Commission. The Charter of public schools of 1786, approved by Catherine II, extended toMogilev and Vitebsk provinces. But under Paul I and Alexander I, there was a rollback in favor of the Educational Commission. In 1828, the Russian Empire tried to change the situation in the VED, but it was only after the Polish uprising of 1830–1831 that the transformation of the entire system began.
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