UDC 332.8
Kovalev Yuriy Yur’yevich – Researcher, the Department of Production Organization and Real Estate Economics. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:
Key words: management of the common property of a joint household, a system for assessing the quality of the management of the common property of a joint household, a methodology for assessing the quality of the management of the common property of a joint household.
For citation: Kovalev Yu. Yu. Аssessing the quality of management of the common property of a joint household. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 5, Economics and Management, 2024, no. 1 (280), pp. 134–140 (In Russian). DOI: 10.52065/2520-6877-2024-280-17.
This article describes the development of theoretical foundations, the development of organizational and economic support for the assessment of the quality of management of common property of the joint household. The following research methods were applied: general scientific, system approach, institutional approach, economic and mathematical. The theoretical foundations for assessing the quality of management of the common property of a joint household are considered, and the following are proposed: a system for assessing the quality of the management of the common property of a joint household; methodology for assessing the quality of management of the common property of a joint household; practical recommendations for improving the quality of management of the common property of a joint household based on the application of a methodology for assessing the quality of management of the common property of a joint household. The specifics of the assessment of the quality of management of common property of the joint household has been identified, consisting in the need for an expert parametric assessment because the assessment of the quality of management of common property is poorly formalized. A methodical approach has been proposed, taking into account the identified specifics and concluding in a comprehensive assessment of the quality of management of common property of joint households for owners, management organizations and the State. Comparedto the current system, it is possible to measure the quality of the management of common assets against the same parameters and indices, parameters and indices are the most representative of the actual situation, and the data are used to estimate the differentindoor and accessible, it is possible to evaluate and compare different forms of management as well as there is an opportunity to participate in the assessment of owners. The article is of practical importance for the activities of organizations providing services for the management of common property of joint household ownership, owners, government bodies that regulate activities in the housing and communal services sector and can also be useful to educational and research organizations.
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