UDC 947.6:28

Savchenko Anrdey Victorovich – PhD student, Faculty of History. Belarusian State University (6, Mendeleyeva str. 220037, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:


Key words: history, religion, Brest Union, Union Church, unionism, chapter.

For citation: : Savchenko A. V. The activity off the chapters of the Uniate church on the territory of Belarus lands in historiography works of the late 18th – 19th centuries. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2023, no. 2 (275), pp. 12–16. DOI: 10.52065/2520-6885-2023-275-2-2 (In Belarusian).


The article is devoted to the study of the heads of the Union on the territory of Belarus in the works of researchers of the 19th century. The attention is focused on the fact that, despite the rather widespread opinion about the chapters as an institution in Catholicism and some branches of Protestantism, they were also characteristic of the Unian Church. The article notes numerous problematic points raised by the authors of the 19 century. when considering the establishment of branches of the Union Church. It is noted that the main role in the analysis of the activities of chapters was played by researchers, who were mostly priests or came from a priestly environment. It is emphasized that each of them often had his own view on the role and place of chapters in the Union Church: some researchers argued about the independence of the institution of chapters, other authors argued that the chapters were brought to union soil from Catholicism, so they do not have long-standing roots and traditions. A number of authors noted the important role of the chapters in the history of the Church (including in the matter of reunification with Orthodoxy), others argued that the role and significance were overestimated by some researchers and representatives of the chapters themselves. The study of these discussions, as well as various approaches to understanding the role and place of capital institutions, allows us to better understand the features of the development of the union church on the territory of Belarus.



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