UDC 94(474.5+476+477)“1352/1354”

Lukashevich Andrei Mikhailovich – DSc (History), Professor, Professor, the Department of history of Belarus of new and contemporary times. Belarusian State University (4, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220030, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:


DOI: (In Belarusian).


Key words: Kiev Metropoly, Theodoret, Olgerd, Theognost, Patriarchate of Constantinople, Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Orthodox Church.

For citation: Lukashevich A. M. The struggle of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania for the Kyiv metropoly: the non-canonical metropolitan Theodorit (1352–1354). Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2023, no. 2 (275), pp. 5–11. DOI: 10.52065/2520-6885-2023-275-2-1 (In Belarusian).


The article deals with aspects of confessional history, little known in Belarusian historiography, connected with an attempt to appoint Feodorit, a candidate from the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, to the Metropolis of Kyiv and All Rus'. The political state of affairs in Rus' and Byzantium is shown, which had a significant impact on the solution of the church issue. It is noted that the rate of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Olgerd on Theodoret was the first attempt to implement a broad plan to achieve church independence of the state. The mechanism of the non-canonical appointment of Theodoret to the metropolis by the Bulgarian (Tyrnovo) patriarch is revealed. It is concluded that this attempt was not successful due to a certain set of circumstances (the initiation of the issue even before the death of the current Metropolitan Theognost, the use of a non-canonical procedure for appointing him to the metropolis, opposition from the Moscow Duchy).



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