UDC 811.161.1:811.161.3
Samakhavets Volha Ivanovna – Lecturer, the Department of Belarusian Philology. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:
DOI: 10.52065/2520-6729-2023-273-2-17 (In Belarusian).
Key words: : incorporated dictionary, lexicography, dictionary entry, explanatory dictionary, etymological commentary, etymological parameterization.
For citation: Samakhavets V. I. Etymological information in Belarusian lexicography (based on the material of incorporated dictionaries). Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2023, no. 2 (273), pp. 123–127. DOI: 10.52065/2520-6729-2023-273-2-17 (In Belarusian).
The article deals with the principles of etymological parametrization in explanatory and translated incorporated dictionaries. The types of etymological comments are described: expanded, narrowed, minimal, interpretative and contextual. The ways of including etymological comments in the microstructure of the dictionary are noted: 1) in the preposition to the semantics zone of the registry unit without the use of punctuation indicators (for example, brackets) − with the use of font indicators (bold or italic font) and without font indicators; 2) in the postposition to the semanticization zone without the use of punctuation indicators, but with the use of font indicators; 3) in the preposition to the semanticization zone using punctuation and font indicators; 4) in the preposition to the semanticization zone using punctuation indicators (for example, brackets).
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