UDC 37:329(470)М«18/19»
Keywords: political party, socialist ideology, party program, public education, intelligentsia, teachers, revolution, socio-political movement.
For citation: Ostroga V. M. Program guidelines of the Russian parties of socialist orientation in the development of education and the position of teachers (late 19th – early 20th century). Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2023, no. 1 (269), pp. 33–39 (In Russian). DOI:
The article notes that in the Russian society of the late 19th – early 20th century, the struggle for solving the problems of the national and cultural revival of Belarus was carried out against the backdrop of acute political and socio-economic problems. In this regard, the development of public education, which was an instrument of influence of various political forces and their ideologies, was actively discussed. The urgent tasks of reforming the education system and an increase in appropriations for this subject, as well as the introduction of universal education and the expansion of the network of educational institutions, could not but be reflected in the platforms of the emerging political parties of various ideological spectrum. The program guidelines of the parties of socialist orientation in the development of education and the position of teachers are analyzed in detail. In documents and materials, appeals, on the pages of the illegal press, they considered the autocracy as an enemy of the people and enlightenment. It was emphasized that education should form the basis for the practical solution of urgent problems in all spheres of life, and the peopleʼs teachers, as the most numerous detachment of the intelligentsia, joining the struggle of the Social Democratic and other left-wing parties, will become an ally of the workers and peasants in building a new society.
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