UDC 331.108:63(476)«1970/1980»
Keywords: managers, specialists, qualification, economic general education, technical general education, secondary rural vocational schools, courses, reinforcement.
For citation: Yakush N. M. Staffing for agriculture of the Belarusian SSR (1970 – mid 1980s). Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2023, no. 1 (269), pp. 115–120 (In Russian). DOI:
The article analyzes the results of the state-party personnel policy in the countryside during the unfolding of the scientific and technological revolution and attempts to reform the Soviet planned economic system. The main directions of the restructuring of the educational space and the learning process in agricultural universities, technical schools and vocational schools are considered, taking into account the leading directions of production intensification, continuity of vocational education levels, expanding the range of technical specialties, the emergence of new mass working professions and changing qualification requirements for graduates. Considerable attention has been paid to the issues of creating opportunities for improving the level of qualifications and managerial culture for managers of farms and mid-level specialists. The moments of development of such a link in the system of training and retraining of workers in machine-operating professions for the village as the course network of collective farms are reflected. State farms and district agricultural technician. From the standpoint of the need to form a new technological and economic culture, the development of economic and technical universal education of the population is considered. Its positive aspects and inappropriate moments are determined. The problem of retaining qualified personnel in the countryside and examples of its positive solution in the context of the socio-cultural reorganization of rural life are touched upon. Attention is focused on the significance of the problem for the period under review.
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