UDC 339.543(09)(476)

  • Astroha Victor Alexandrovich – DSc (History), Professor, head of the Department of Customs Affairs. Belarusian State University (4, Nezalezhnastsi Ave., 220030, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Keywords: historical source, Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Belarus, history of customs, metric GDL, letter, customs storeroom, customs office, customs officers, myta-customs duty, promyta-smuggling.

For citation: Astroha V. A. Metrics of the Grand duchy of Lithuania as a source on the history of Minsk customs. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2023, no. 1 (269), pp. 11–15 (In Belarusian). DOI:


The article considers the metric of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania as a unique and informative source for studying the history of the Minsk customs and the customs history of Belarus of the corresponding historical period. The characteristic of the metric documents containing information about the «Mensk customs storeroom» – Minsk customs is given. The scientific unexplored nature of the problem of the GDL metric as a source on the Belarusian customs history is noted. The most important aspects of the history of Minsk customs are indicated in various metrica documents, mainly «letters» for rent duties: terms of rent of the customs storeroom, personalities of the heads of the Minsk customs storeroom, terms and technologies of collection of duties, exemption from payment of duties and duty-free letters, promytsmuggling. It is emphasized that the Lithuanian metric can become a lexical reserve for improving modern Belarusian customs terminology. It is concluded that the metric of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, despite a certain incompleteness of documents, is the richest collection of factual material on the history of the Minsk customs.


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