UDC 94(476)+94(100)«1914/1917»

  • Bodrykau Yaugeni Aliaksandravich – Master of Historical Sciences, PhD student, the Department of Modern and Contemporary History of Belarus. Belarusian State University (6, Nezalezhnastsi Ave., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E–mail:

Keywords: mobilization, social assistance, the Law of June 25, 1912, guardianship, well-being.

For citation: Bodrykau Ya. A. Social assistance to the families of mobilized lower ranks and militia warriors in Minsk province during the First World War (July 1914 – March 1917). Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2023, no. 1 (269), pp. 55–61 (In Belarusian). DOI:


The purpose of this research is to determination the dimensions, methods and forms of social assistance to the families of mobilized lower ranks and militia warriors in Minsk province from state institutions and public organizations. The topic is not developed in domestic historiography and is only indirectly involved upon in foreign studies on the social policy of the Russian Empire. The research draws attention to the fact that the state assistance at supporting families of mobilized lower ranks and militia warriors was insufficient, so the state actively called for the participation of public and private organizations. Assistance from the latter has been significantly reduced since the summer–autumn of 1915 due to the approach of the front line to the Minsk province and the occupation of part of its districts in September 1915.

The system of social assistance in the Minsk province was not centralized and was highly dependent on the mood and well-being of society, which only worsened during the First World War. Fundamental changes in the system of social assistance to the families of mobilized lower ranks and militia warriors occurred only after the events of the February Revolution of 1917 and the establishment of the Provisional Government.


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