UDC 379.8:070

  • Fedotova Natallia Aleksandrovna – PhD (Philology), Associate Professor, post-doctoral student, Head of the Department of Medialogy. Belarusian State University (9, Kal’variyskaya str., 220004, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). Email:

Keywords: mediatization, entertainment, media, technology, economic factor, consumer society, philosophical context.

For citation: Fedotova N. A. Mediatization of entertainment: technological, economic and philosophical aspects. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2023, no. 1 (267), pp. 60–65. DOI:


The review article is devoted to a research analysis of ideas about the transformation of the phenomenon of “entertainment” in the context of the mediatization of society. The author of the article, relying on the views of philosophers, culturologists, media researchers and the content of their fundamental works, designates and characterizes the technological, economic and philosophical aspects of entertainment mediatization. The argumentation of the author’s reasoning makes it possible to predict the likely anthropological consequences of this process, which consist in the construction of a fictitious reality, alienation / loss of individuality of the individual and social stratification of society.


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