UDC 811.161.1:811.161.3
Keywords: translation technology, highly specialized text, parallel text, closely related languages, communicative competences, interlingual correspondence.
For citation: Кirdun A. A. Technology of teaching translation of highly specialized texts from russian into belarusian. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2023, no. 1 (267), pp. 118–125. DOI:
The article is devoted to the problem of the use of text translation in teaching philological disciplines in institutions of higher education of non-humanitarian profile.
The practice of translating from Russian into Belarusian is defined as expedient, but at the same time the situation is assessed as negative when classes without prior preparation are saturated with tasks for translating special scientific texts with their inherent features of lexical, morphological, syntactic and compositional organization. The key in teaching students to translate is the principle of “from simple to complex”, according to which skills are formed in stages and in a certain sequence. The educational process combines two mandatory components: the pre-translation part, which ensures the transition from “ordinary bilingualism” to elementary translation actions, and the translation part, which includes training and control and evaluation components. The technology of teaching translation at the first stage is presented through a description of the content of exercises and tasks: 1) perception of parallel scientific texts in the specialty of a small volume of a simple structure; 2) substitutions as a gradual “inclusion” of the translation component: mastering the most typical and frequent lexical and syntactic parallels, including terminological ones; 3) transition from formal recognition of learned parallels with substitution of correspondences in the translation language to actions by analogy in stereotypical contexts. At each step of the technological process, a special set of exercises is developed. At the second stage, the conversion of theoretical knowledge into practical skills of text translation takes place through the independent translation activity of students.
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