UDC 821.161.3

  • Karchashkina Dariya Valer’yevna – Master of Philology, PhD student of the Institute of Literary Studies named after Yanka Kupala of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, researcher, Literary Museum of Petrus Brouka (30, K. Marksa str., Minsk, 220030, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Keywords: collection of poems, Alois Pashkevich (Ciotka), lyrical hero, the image of the author, figurative specificity, emotionality, revolutionary issues, creative method, first publication, canonical text, traditional practice, scientific publication.

For citation: Kаrchashkina D. V. Collections “Skrypka bielaruskaja” and “Hrest na swabodu” by Ciotka: problems of scientific and critical reissue of texts. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2023, no. 1 (267), pp. 112–117. DOI:


The article is devoted to the analysis of textual inconsistencies of the first publications of the collections “Skrypka bielaruskaja” and “Hrest na swabodu” with the texts of later editions of the legacy of Aloisa Pashkevich (Ciotka). Two poetry collections of the author were published in 1906 in Zhovkva and became the ideological manifesto of the writer in relation to belarusian people. Poems from these publications were inspired by many authors of the beginning. XX century., such as Yanka Kupala, Zmitrok Byadulya, Tishka Gartny, etc. As a result of the reception, the texts of these poems have undergone changes, many of which have influenced the content of the works, as well as the transmission of the ideological and artistic features of the works.

Attention is drawn to the conceptual connection of the collections, which gives grounds to consider them as a systemic literary artifact. The revealed inconsistencies in modern reissues of texts affecting the transmission of emotional mood and semantic nuances of individual works are analyzed.


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