UDC 821.161.3.09 “18”
Keywords: prose collection, didactic literature, issues, genre specificity, publicism, talk, essay, pathos, plot, character, artistic imagery.
For citation: Zaprudski I. M. The collection “Stories in the belarusian dialect” (1863): specific historical context, reception and ideological and artistic features. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Printand Mediatechnologies, 2023, no. 1 (267), pp. 88–100. DOI:
The article is devoted to the study to the study of the circumstances of the publication of the prose collection “Stories in the Belarusian dialect” (1863). Its publication became an extraordinary fact in the history of Belarusian literature and the book culture of Belarus in the 19th century. The complex ways of reception of the book in domestic literary studies are traced. Due to the propagandistic and pro-government nature of the content of the works, the ideological involvement of the anonymous authors, a discussion was risen and researchers gave ambiguous assessments in the Soviet period. The collection was printed in connection with the unrealized project of establishing an official Belarusian-language magazine in Vilnius. It is confirmed that the initiator of the publication was the head of the Vilnius educational district A. P. Shirynski–Shykhmatov. He used “Stories...” as a reading book in elementary schools in the district. Genre specificity and ideological and artistic features of the works are analyzed in the context of socio-cultural processes in the regional peasantry. Common features of imagery, as a form of life representation inherent in art, manifested in the collection in various ways and correlated with the historical situation that determined and left its mark on the method and genres of anonymous authors. The ideas and pathos of their works were aimed at formation the ethno-confessional identity of Belarusians.
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