UDC 81’33

  • Barkovich Aleksander Arkad’yevich – DSc (Philology), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Informatics and Applied Linguistics. Minsk State Linguistic University (21, Zakharova str., 220034, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Keywords: word, semantics, metalexical significance, unified semantic field, formalization, structuring, modeling.

For citation: Barkovich A. A. In the beginning was the word. Trends in description of speech practice. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2023, no. 1 (267), pp. 76–81. DOI:


This article deals with the problem of linguistic interpretation of modern speech practice in the semantic aspect. Scientific reflection is analyzed regarding the correlation of the “word” phenomenon with the realities of communication. The relevance of the word within linguistic paradigmatics as a whole is confirmed – it remains in the practice of linguistics. At the same time, the limitations of lexicocentric tools determines the urgent need to expand the horizon of semantic studying far beyond the limits of the word as a metalanguage landmark. In communication, the significance of any message is not equal some arithmetic sum of the words’ semantics representing a complex substantive substance inherent in the concrete communication situation. The appropriateness of the development of complicated instruments for the representation of the semantics is argued – in particular, the metalexical significance – considering the functionalism of the unified semantic field of the language. In the context of the study, linguistic differentiation of such universals as notion and concept was carried out. Such trends of descriptions of communicational semantics as formalization, structuring and modeling are described.


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