UDC 613.2-046.55
Keywords: internal dose, radionuclides, radioactive contamination, cesium-137.
For citation: Chernushevich G. A., Domnenkova A. V., Kiselev S. V., Azovskaya N. O. Problems of food supply for population under increased radiation risks. Proceeding of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2023, no. 1 (264), pp. 201–207. DOI: (In Belarusian).
The paper analyzes factors affecting internal radiation doses of people residing in the radionuclides contaminated areas of Belarus.
Radionuclides can enter the human body with food consumed by people. The basic diet of Belarusian people includes such main foodstuffs as milk and dairy products, potatoes, meat, some fruit and vegetables. Non-timberresourcesofforest, i. e., berries, mushrooms, game meat, fish also make an integral part of people’s diet.
Studies show that ‘forest foodstuffs’ make only insignificant proportion of everyday diet of rural residents of Belarusian Polesye. However, these foodstuffs can provide up to 50% of cesium-137 total activity in the human body.
The four main constituents of the annual human diet (beef, milk, potatoes and vegetables) will result in the total internal radiation dose of 0,9 mSv, permissible contamination levels shall be reduced for these diet constituents
In order to reduce the internal radiation doses and eliminate radiation hazards, the human diet should include fruit and vegetables containing pectin and having radioprotective properties.
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