UDC 141.7:316.32

  • Burak Petr Mikhaylovich − PhD (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, the Department of Philosophy and Law. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Keywords: priority, co-evolution, society, nature, crisis, challenge, security.

For citation: Burak P. M. Socio-natural priorities for forming a co-evolutionary approach in overcoming the challenges of the anthropological crisis. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2022, no. 2 (263), pp. 94–102 (In Russian). DOI:


The article develops the idea of the ability of society and nature (the biosphere) to self-development in their relationship as the most important priority and factor in the formation of an ontologically determined, co-evolutionary path in overcoming the challenges of the anthropological crisis. In this regard, an attempt was made to identify intra-system and inter-system mechanisms of self-development of biological and social systems based on the unity of dialectical, synergistic and co-evolutionary approaches. As the most important condition for the self-development of the systemic organization of biological and social objects in their interaction, the tendency of the formation of their conjugated, mutually directed, internal-external disequilibrium or activity, which determines the natural manifestation of their openness, as a precondition for the exchange of matter, energy and information and interdependent self-reproduction, is considered. Intra-system and inter-system co-evolution in their interconnection preserve and reproduce this kind of disequilibrium, forming various asymmetric ways of manifestation and implementation of material, energy and informational excess activity of self-organization of systems of biological and social nature as a condition for mastering external sources of such resources in the processes of self-development. In this context, the essential manifestations of the anthropological crisis are interpreted primarily in terms of the global self-determination of society and its interaction with nature (the biosphere). It is expressed in various forms of excess entropy in the socio-cultural life of a person. Excessive activity of society to intensify its self-development, achieved by constantly improving the technical means of influencing the biosphere to disorder its systems and withdraw resources, increasingly exceeds the capabilities of the self-healing mechanisms of the biosphere, actually curtailing the scale of its self development. Accordingly, there is a need to regulate the spontaneously emerging asymmetry of co-evolution in the spontaneous self-development of the global system “man – society – technology – nature (biosphere)”, which should include consistent regulation of the natureconsuming self-development of society and the formation of conditions for the self-development of the biosphere in order to preserve them and mutual security.


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