UDC 101.1:316:008
Keywords: hermeneutics, understanding, interpretation, artistic knowledge, work of art, literary text, tradition.
For citation: Pototski A. A. Hermeneutics and methodology of artistic knowledge. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2022, no. 2 (263), pp. 90–93 (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-6885-2022-263-2-90-93.
Revealing the specifics of artistic knowledge, the essential characteristics of the understanding of a work of art is feasible through an appeal to the hermeneutic paradigm, which substantiated the problems of understanding and interpreting the world of humanitarian culture, literary texts, socio-cultural phenomena. The specificity of understanding within the framework of artistic communication lies in its creative nature, the ability to comprehend, create and enrich the meaning of a literary text. The basic foundations of the phenomenon of understanding, according to the hermeneutic approach, are pre-understanding – the dialogue of the interpreter with the text and its author – the effective historical reflection of the recipient – the openness of the communicative process – cultural tradition. Understanding as a communicative process is not only the result of the reconstruction of the author's intention in the context of the cultural and historical situation of the emergence of a literary text, but also the actualization of the content of this text by the subject of understanding. As a result, understanding not only reproduces the meaning of a literary text, but also opens up the possibility of creating new meanings. Understanding that goes beyond the subjective experience of the author of the text creates the possibility of its interpretation in the changed socio-cultural conditions on the basis of subject-subject, dialogue relations between the interpreter and the literary text.
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