UDC 327(510:479.22) (091) «2013/2022»(043.3)

  • Lan Penghe − Master of Historical, PhD student, the Department of International Relations. Belarusian State University (20, Leningradskaya str., Minsk, 220030, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Keywords: China; Georgia; diplomacy; Belt and Road strategy; humanitarian exchanges; cultural cooperation.

For citation: Lan Penghe. Cooperation between China and Georgia in the humanitarian field (2013– 2022). Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2022, no. 2 (263), pp. 79–89 (In Russian). DOI:


The article analyzes Chinese-Georgian humanitarian ties in the context of the implementation of the “Belt and Road Initiative”; Beijing and Tbilisi carry out exchanges and cooperation in the fields of education, culture, science and technology, healthcare, mass media and other aspects of the humanitarian sphere. The author emphasizes that a new impetus to cooperation was given in March 2015, when the parties signed a Memorandum on strengthening cooperation in the joint construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt. China and Georgia are developing relations based on equality, trust, mutual assistance, and joint prosperity.

Principles, institutions, mechanisms, directions and forms of cooperation are highlighted, difficulties and challenges faced by Chinese-Georgian humanitarian exchanges are indicated, targeted proposals for their further comprehensive promotion are put forward.


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  10. Chinese Ambassador to Georgia Yue Bin and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia Jaragania signed in Tbilisi Protocol on the Sino-Georgian Agreement on cooperation in the field of education. Chinese Embassy in Georgia. Available at: (accessed 17.06.2022) (In Chinese).
  11. Pan Yun he, Vice-President of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, met with the Chairman of the National Communications Commission of Georgia. Office of the Commercial Adviser of the Chinese Embassy in Georgia. Available at: (accessed 17.06.2022) (In Chinese).
  12. Prime Minister of Georgia Irakli Garibashvili visited the University of International Business and Economics and delivered a keynote speech. University of International Business and Economics. Available at: (accessed 12.06.2022) (In Chinese).
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  17. The Georgian delegation takes part in the forum the Belt and Road initiative. Sputnik-Georgia: News site. Available at: (accessed 01.07.2022) (In Russian).
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  32. The launch ceremony of the Chinese Research Center (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences – Technological University of Georgia) took place. Peking University. Available at: (accessed 12.06.2022) (In Chinese).
  33. Ambassador to Georgia Li Yan took part in the opening ceremony of the exhibition of the Chinese collection of the National Museum of Georgia. The Chinese Embassy in Georgia. Available at: (accessed: 17.06.2022) (In Chinese).
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  35. The online final of the 20th Chinese Language Proficiency Contest Bridge of the Chinese Language for foreign college students was held in Georgia, where Ambassador Li Yan spoke. Embassy of China in Georgia. Available at: (accessed 17.06.2022) (In Chinese).
  36. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China. Chinese Diplomacy (2021). Beijing, World Affairs Press Publ., 2021. 431 p. (In Chinese). 