UDC 336.64
Key words: business valuation, digital economy, digitalization.
For citation: Matsul Ye. G. Business valuation tools: modern characteristics and development prospects. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 5, Economics and Management, 2022, no. 2 (262), pp. 40–48 (In Russian). DOI:
The article describes the tools for business valuation in international and Belarusian practice. Classical methods (approaches in international practice) of business valuation are considered: cost approach, income approach and market approach. The methodology of business valuation tools is disclosed. The characteristics of each of the assessment methods are given, the pros and cons are analyzed, and the concepts of using the methods are described. Possible scenarios and priority of using business valuation methods are presented. In international practice, as a rule, only income approach and market approach are used. In the Republic of Belarus, appraisers use all the tools for business valuation. The priority of using evaluation methods is arranged by the author in the following order: income approach, market approach, cost approach.
The article describes the potential for the development of business valuation as a result of digitalization. The introduction of digital technologies in the valuation of a business will lead to an improvement in the calculation methodology within the framework of the existing valuation tools. As a result of the use of modern approaches in the collection and storage, processing and smart analytics of data, the detailing of models, the accuracy of the assessment results will significantly increase, and the time and financial costs of assessing the value of a business will decrease.
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