UDC 070.1
Keywords: media logic, concept, frame, framework concept, recreatization of journalism.
For citation: Fedotova N. Media logic as a framework concept for the recreatizaton of journalism. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnology, 2022, no. 2 (261), pp. 64–69 (In Russian). DOI:
This article proposes and substantiates the understanding of media logic as a multicomponent frame and/or framework concept. The text of the article contains an analysis of media logic as a concept that defines and structures the social experience of a person, transforms journalistic practice, methods of selecting and presenting content. When substantiating the proposed scientific perspective, the author of the article relies on the works of foreign and Russian researchers who are engaged in studying the process of mediatization of society. The work uses data from the Worlds of Journalism Studies (2012– 2016). The studied theoretical approaches to understanding media logic make it possible to form an evidence-based author's position that media logic, as a framework concept, forms and strengthens the recreatization trend of journalism all over the world.
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