UDC 81’27
Keywords: educational programs, television, game, agon, struggle, heroes, pleasure.
For citation: Hladko M. A. Agon game in the communicative space of educational television. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2022, no. 2 (261), pp. 36–42 (In Russian). DOI:
The article presents a fragment of a comprehensive study to identify the text-forming potential of the game in the educational TV programs in the context of the communicative-pragmatic approach. The purpose of the work is to describe the tools of the Agon (struggle) game, their functions, as well as linguistic and dominant stylistic ways of explication in the advisory and instructive genres of educational TV communication. The scientific value of the work consists in identifying and describing the structureforming mechanism of educational texts in the media sphere – Agon games. The article shows that this game becomes both a means of delivery of information and a powerful influencing, ideological mechanism aimed at controlling the consciousness and behavior of a media consumer. This is expressed, first of all, in the repertoire of its instruments (game vectors, characters, rewards, emotions, rules) and their linguistic design. The most typical means of verbalizing struggle / competition are: comparative forms of normative, teleological and general evaluative adjectives; military vocabulary; vocabulary of magic; impersonation; emotional lexemes producing impression / pleasure. Educational media texts give rise to specific canons of vision of human actions. According to instructive narratives, the world is complicated and dangerous, many human actions are wrong and harmful. The viewer is invited to enter a struggle, as a result he will receive a reward. The functions of the game-competition in the educational TV space are established: involvement and attraction of the addressee's attention, simplification of information, persuasion and ideological functions.
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