UDC 655.4/.5:005.8

  • Zylevich Dina Pavlovna − PhD (Philology), Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, the Department of Editing and Publishing Technologie. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Keywords: publishing project, project activity, literary project, editorial and publishing process, publishing repertoire, print run, second printing.

For citation: Zylevich D. P. Book as a project in modern publishing practice. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2022, no. 2 (261), pp. 99–104 (In Belаrusian). DOI:


The article deals with the determining of a book place in a publishing project, and describes the conditions under which a book is positioned as a project. It contains the options of the definition of the term “publishing project”. Here the features of the publishing project's business model are highlighted: the presence of a specific goal, the uniqueness of the projected publication, time constraints, and specific amount of the resources that publishing house is ready to allocate for the print run. The article also indicates distinctive features of the editorial and publishing work on the book, which is being published within the framework of the project: the text is written by specialists in a particular field; the publishing house assists the authors in obtaining the necessary information and elaborates the original layout; the issue of the book is accompanied by events that contribute to its promotion; work on the book receives wide media coverage, and is highlighted through the official website and social networks. The examples of the book projects suggested by Belarusian publishing houses in recent years are also given in the article.

The findings suggest that not every book is a project, but every publisher should strive to have book projects in its array. Summing up the results, it can be concluded that the project technology enables to use the resources optimally and get the result within the specified time, streamlines the activities of the publishing house and strengthens its image.


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