UDC 659.126.1
Keywords: branding, pharmacy, pharmaceutical company, corporate identity, visual identification, brief, logo, identity.
For citation: Gorbach P. P., Kovalevskaya N. I. A modern approach to development of a corporate identity (by the example the pharmacy network “Querq”). Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2022, no. 2 (261), pp. 90–98 (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-6729-2022-261-2-90-98.
Today, pharmaceutical companies form the basis of medical activity. Pharmacy organizations of state and non-state forms of ownership operate on the pharmaceutical market of the Republic of Belarus, and therefore there is quite tough competition between companies.
Companies are trying to expand their field of activity or defend their positions in the market of goods and services, so today, in the conditions of satiety of the pharmaceutical market, the presence of a pharmacy corporate identity is seen as a successful method of competition.
Corporate identity is a basic element of the company’s positioning. This is one of the most relevant and effective types of advertising.
The article conducted a study on the need for a brand’s visual identity, taking into account current trends in design, which will serve as the basis for the development of a corporate identity for the Querq pharmacy chain. Based on the research, a memorable and original style has been created that matches the brand’s values. To keep it consistent, branding guidelines were given to help develop customer touchpoints, including sales presentations, company website, business cards, letterheads, etc.
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