UDC 519.862.6
Key words: simultaneous equations models, identification, structural form, reduced form, sufficient condition for identification, two-stage least squares method.
For citation: Yakimenka A. A. On the question of identification of simultaneous equations models. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 3, Physics and Mathematics. Informatics, 2022, no. 2 (260), pp. 10–13. DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-6141-2022-260-2-10-13.
The article deals with the problem of identification of simultaneous equations models. The definition of the problem of identification is given. The article analyzes the necessary, sufficient conditions for identification available in the literature. It has been found that some of these conditions are not true. In this work, a new sufficient condition for the solvability of the identification problem is obtained. In addition, a method for obtaining estimates of the structural form of a model of a of simultaneous equations models from estimates of the reduced form obtained by the least squares method is given. A modification of the two-stage least squares method is also given.
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