UDC 66.021.3

  • Lankin Roman Igorevich − PhD student, Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., Minsk, 220006, Republic of Belarus). E-mail: roman147l@icloud.com

  • Frantskevich Vitaliy Stanislavovich − PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Machines and Apparatus for Chemical and Silicate Production. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail: fvs2@tut.by

Key words: absorption, movable nozzle, hydraulic resistance, regression equation.

For citation: Lankin R. I., Frantskevich V. S. Hydraulic resistance of the absorber with a movable ball nozzle. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 2, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnologies, Geology, 2022, no. 2 (259), pp. 107–114 (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2022-259-2-107-114.


Mass transfer apparatuses are used at the enterprises of chemical, oil refining, metallurgical, food and other industries. This paper provides a brief introduction and application of packed columns. A description is given of absorbers with a movable nozzle, in particular, an absorption-biochemical unit (ABCU). The principle of operation of movable nozzles is described, as well as their shortcomings. An experimental absorption column and a methodology for conducting experimental studies are described. Based on the results of the experiments, graphs of the dependence of the hydraulic resistance in the column on the gas velocity at different irrigation densities were plotted, regression equations were compiled, and plots of approximation of the experimental data were plotted. An analysis of the experimental values with an approximated line has been carried out. The data obtained are planned to be used in approbation of a computer model of the hydrodynamics of gas-liquid flows using computational fluid dynamics (Computational Fluid Dynamics).


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