UDC 141.201

  • Burak Petr Mikhaylovich – PhD (Philosophy), Associate Professor, acting Head of the Department of Philosophy and Law. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Key words: challenge, contradiction, priority, co-evolution, society, worldview, safety.

For citation: Burak P. M. Social priorities of regulation of co-evolution trends in achieving the worldview security of the society. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2022, no. 1 (257), pp. 113–120 (In Russian).DOI:


The article forms the elements of a methodological approach to identifying the priorities of responding to the challenges of society and the corresponding regulation of coevolutionary tendencies in solving the actual problem of achieving its ideological security. In accordance with the main objective of the study, dialectical, systemic, specifically historical, covolutionary, ontological, value, worldview approaches in their unity and relationship were used. The characteristic features of priority areas and worldview preferences of overcoming calls in the Republic of Belarus were disclosed. The determination and argumentation of the main provisions and ideas of the presented work was carried out on the basis of the works of A. Toynby, A. Schweitzer, N. N. Moiseev and other authors.

The initial idea of the study is the dialectical understanding of the sources of development – the external and internal contradictions of society and the essence of development as the preservation and reproduction of the interaction of progressive and regressive trends in their interdependent, associated changes. In this context, the essence of the call is interpreted, which is revealed in the destructiveness of the dominant manifestation of regressive changes in relation to progressive. A similar state of contradictions as a source of development of society can be due to natural processes or artificially created conditions and preferences in relations of various social entities. The decisive role of the central security of society is argued – the priority of productive social existence as an asymmetric ratio of progressive, creative changes that combine the actions of social entities in their dominant status in relation to the forces and tendencies of disunity and regression. Accordingly, the value of coevolution as a mechanism of necessary regulation of dialectically opposite development trends is revealed, the need and content of the phenomenon of the worldview security of society is revealed.


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