UDC 323.1(476)+94(476)«1934/1939»

  • Аlkhovik Mikalay Kanstantsinavich − – PhD (History), Assistant Professor, the Department of History of Philosophy and Political Science. Belarusian State Medical University (83, Dziarzhynskaga Ave., 220116, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Keywords: national policy, national minorities, national schools, BSSR.

For citation: Аlkhovik M. K. Reorganization and liquidation of the national schools of the BSSR in 1934–1939. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2022, no. 1 (257), pp. 71–74 (In Belarusian). DOI:


The article reveals the features of the process of reorganization and liquidation of the BSSR’s national secondary schools. With the adoption of the resolution of the CC of the VKP(b) “On the work of the CC of the CP(b)B and the SNK of the BSSR” dated July 26, 1934, the BSSR’s leadership took a course to revise the network of not only Polish, but also other national schools. The process of reorganization and liquidation of the schools of the BSSR’s national minorities has not acquired a comprehensive scale. The responsible and managerial employees considered the possibility of the existence of Jewish, Polish and other schools in the places of compact residence of a politically loyal population of the corresponding nationality with a clear ethnic, cultural and linguistic identity. After the release of the resolution of the CC of the VKP(b) “On the leadership of the CC of the CP(b)B” dated July 27, 1937, the process of the reorganization and liquidation of the national schools was consistent and systematic. On July 3, 1938 the resolution of the Bureau of the CC of the CP(b)B “On the reorganization of the Jewish schools into the Belarusian schools in Belarus” was issued.


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