UDC 327:930(4)

  • Drozhzha Liudmila Сheslavovna – Master of History, Senior Researcher. Belarusian Research Center for Electronic Documentation of the Department for Archives and Records Management of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus (51, F. Skoryna str., 220160, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Keywords: historiography, Polish historiography, periodization, stages of periodization, Western Belarusian problems.

For citation: Drozhzha L. Сh. The main stages of formation and development of Western Belarusian problematics in Polish historiography. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2022, no. 1 (257), pp. 60–65 (In Belarusian). DOI:


The subject of the study is the stages of the formation and development of Western Belarusian problems by Polish historians. Based on the results of these studies, the author defines the following stages: the first period – early 1920s – late 1930s – when were the theoretical, methodological and institutional foundations of research in the field of Polish historiography of Western Belarusian issues developed; the second period – the 1940–1980s – the persecution of Polish historians during the years of the Polish People’s Republic; the third period – late 1980–2000s – cardinal changes in modern historical research due to IT-technologies and changes in tools and methods of historical research. According to the author, in the 21th century Polish historians present the studied materials in the field of Western Belarusian problems in the form of thematic abstract reviews that do not have the character of a systematic study. Some Polish historians have taken the path of revising previous conceptual approaches to key historical events of the interwar twenties and have moved away from scientific analysis towards political discussions. This trend reflects the evolution of the formation of a new way of thinking among scientists, the final departure from the methodology of historical materialism to spontaneous neo-positivism, including in the field of Western Belarusian problems.


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