UDC 630*61(476)
Key words: world economy, forest sector, institutional transformations, digital business model, shared consumption model, strategic management, rental relations, financial distribution, drivers of ecological and economic activity, fаir distribution.
For citation: Kashtelyan T. V. Three problems of the national economy of the forest sector in a globalizing world. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 5, Economics and Management, 2022, no. 1 (256), pp. 93–99 (In Russian). DOI:
In modern conditions of global competition, we pay little attention to the issues of the economic status of the proprietor and owner (on the terms of a concession, lease) of means of production, including the basis for the development of society – land resources. Regarding the forest economic policy aimed at creating conditions for the sustainable renewal of biological resources and their transformation based on the existing spatial environment through the involvement of institutional, innovative, industrial and other factors of socio-economic development, we analyze property relations, their rental characteristics, issues of adequacy of management to the deployment of digitalization processes, annuitization of greening.
The aim of the work is to determine the characteristics of the forest economic policy of Belarus in modern conditions and to identify the three most important problems, the successful solution of which creates prerequisites for the reorientation of production to the innovative path of development. All three problems relate to financial distribution mechanisms.
Research methods – economic analysis and interpretation, in particular, consisting in understanding the functioning of economic objects and processes. We have identified two directions for solving the problems of evolutionary economics, the first of which concerns the continuity of economic practices, the second – innovation, based on the increment of the theory of economic reality of forest bio-economics through the prism of the model of shared consumption and implementing the policy of superiority in environmental values.
The result of the research is the identification of the so-called “logical cores” of forest economic policy. The article presents the elements of the concepts of the economy of shared consumption, “reference” management, effective rental practices. The globalizing world requires the survival of the strongest economic agents. Therefore, institutional transformations of forest economic policy should include an understanding of the sources and results of the functioning of rental relations, real opportunities for positioning and protecting property rights, improving market structures in the social space and organizing ecological and economic behavior of forest sector entities adequate to the modern digital space.
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