UDC 070.19:654.1
Key words: mass media, communication, new media, 5G technology, video content, VR, AI.
For citation: Hu Xiaoyan. New media prospects in the context of 5G networks development. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2022, no. 1 (255), pp. 55–60 (In Russian). DOI:
The article discusses the technological features of telecommunication technology according to the 5G standard. The opportunities that this technology opens up for the media industry, especially for new media, are revealed. First of all, it results in the acceleration of information processing, media texts production and newsdistribution, and opens up possibilities for production and distribution of VR and AI multimedia content as well as widens the application of ultra HD video and 3D video technologies, including real time Internet broadcasting via mobile devices. The article identifies efficiency and exclusivity improvements that are starting to occur in the methods of obtaining, producing and presenting articles and. It is noted that the requirements for the professional skills of journalists are becoming even higher: professionals in the media sphere have to adapt to the new communication reality and use the new opportunities of high technologies, increasing the efficiency and value of media for the audience.
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