UDC 808.2:003.295.8
Key words: QR code, educational edition, editing, educational text, editor, editor-technologist, interactivity.
For citation: Akushevich A. A. QR codes in educational publications: the editorial aspect. Proceeding of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2022, no. 1 (255), pp. 151–158 (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-6729-2022-255-1-151-158.
The article deals with QR codes from the point of view of editorial preparation of educational literature. This element of educational publications is actively used by authors (publishers) and continues to gain popularity. These circumstances require scientifically based principles, approaches and strategies for working with QR codes, which will be in demand both in the preparation of editors (editorstechnologists) in higher education institutions, and in the advanced trainings of relevant specialists. QR codes have good opportunities for inclusion in educational books and are acceptable for different audiences.
The analysis allows us to single out several stages of the editor's work with QR codes. At the first stage, the total volume occupied by QR codes in the publication is estimated. At the second stage, the efficiency of placing QR codes in an educational publication is checked in relation to its other elements. At the third stage, the quality of the QR code as a graphic object (illustration) and the correctness of its work are tested. On the fourth stage, the editing of materials is carried out, which are offered by the author when using (reading) the QR code. At this stage a significant number of nuances arise related to the technical component of the issue, copyright, quality of text, video, etc. At the fifth stage, the editor can offer to add, move or exclude certain QR codes, taking into account the goals and objectives of a particular publication.
Examples of tasks for practicing skills in working with QR codes are also given. This can be used in the process of training editors (editors-technologists).
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