UDC 621.317.444
Key words: measuring transducer, measurement, sensitivity, concentration, sensor, oxide.
For citation: Orobei I. O., Saroka V. V., Hryniuk D. A., Oliferovich N. M., Ankuda M. A. Analyzer of NH3 and CO concentration. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 3, Physics and Mathematic. Informatics, 2022, no. 1 (254), pp. 50–57 (In Russian). DOI:
The article discusses the issues of measuring the concentration of gases. When analyzing the concentration of gases and their mixtures, the qualitative detection and quantitative determination of the components of gas mixtures is carried out. Gas analysis is carried out according to laboratory methods using special gas analyzers. A review of laboratory and industrial methods of gas analysis based on the measurement of physical parameters and properties of the gaseous medium has been carried out. The most promising method for express analysis of the concentration of gas mixtures in industry is the use of a semiconductor method, in the implementation of which the measurement of the resistance of a semiconductor (film or single crystal) interacting with the determined component of the gas mixture is carried out. This method is used to measure the content of H2, methane, propane, O2, carbon and nitrogen oxides, etc. The minimum determined value of the concentration of the method lies in the range from 0.00001 to 0.00100%. The paper describes a concentration meter for multicomponent gas mixtures. The sensitive element of the primary measuring transducer is made in the form of a layer of doped tin oxide (IV), obtained by magnetron sputtering of a metal target of complex composition. To measure the concentration of NH3 and CO, the electronic circuit changes and stabilizes the temperature of the resistive tin oxide layer at the points of maximum sensitivity to the corresponding gas. Due to the low thermal resistance of the sensing element and the heater, the latter is used as a temperature sensor. The primary measuring transducer operates under the control of a microprocessor controller and allows to obtain a measurement error of no more than 1 ppm.
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