UDC 531.19
Key words: two-level lattice, quasi-chemical approximation, diagram approximation, phase diagram, Monte Carlo simulation.
For citation: Groda Ya. G., Groda N. G., Bildanau E. E. Analytical approximations for estimating the free energy of a lattice fluid on a two-level non-rectangular lattice. Proceedings of BSTU, issue, Physics and Mathematics. Informatics, 2022, no. 1 (254), pp. 19–27 (In Russian). DOI:
On the basis of the crystal close-packed plane triangular lattice, the model of a two-level lattice system with energetically non-equivalent sites corresponding to potential wells of two types, differing in depth and forming a plane periodic structure, is proposed. For an analytical description of the studied lattice system, it is proposed to divide it into the system of two plane triangular lattices containing energetically equivalent lattice sites and differing both in the distance between the nearest nodes in the sub-lattice and in the total number of sites on it. For the lattice fluid with interaction of the nearest neighbors on the proposed two-level lattice, quasi-chemical and diagram analytical approximations are developed to estimate the free energy of the system. An algorithm for modeling the equilibrium properties of the lattice fluid on the two-level lattice using the Monte Carlo method is proposed, based on the transformation of the original two-level lattice by adding shadow lattice sites to it and transforming it into a square lattice. The phase diagrams of the model with attraction and repulsion of the nearest neighbors are constructed. The results of analytical calculations are compared with simulation data. It has been established that, in contrast to a system with energetically equivalent nodes, a first-order phase transition takes place in a lattice fluid with repulsion of the nearest ones on a two-level lattice.
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