UDC 630*245:630*614
Key words: forest reproduction, reforestation methods, pine forests.
For citation: Rozhkov L. N., Eroshkina I. F. Domestic and foreign experience of reproduction of pine formation. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2022, no. 1 (252), pp. 43–52 (In Russian). DOI:
The questions of methods of reforestation (renewal, afforestation), created systems of forest reproduction, care for unclosed forest cultures or natural regeneration, transfer of forest plantations to forested lands, and others are considered.
It is noted that the reproduction of forests in different countries includes different measures, including from measures to promote reforestation several years before the main felling, continues at the stage of felling, reforestation and subsequent care for young forest and ends after one and a half to two decades after felling, and sometimes more.
It is proposed to distinguish three periods in the reproduction of forests in Belarus. In the first period (1926–1975), pine crops were recommended to be created mainly in areas with relatively poor sandy soils, where other species cannot grow successfully. The density of pine crops created by seedlings was up to 10 thousand pieces per hectare or more. An important role was played by natural methods of reforestation. The second period of forest reproduction in Belarus (1975–2015) was fundamentally different from the previous one by a decrease in the initial density of forest cultures. The current third period from 2016 to the present is distinguished by fundamentally new approaches to forest reproduction. After reforestation and afforestation, the maintenance of forest plantations and their introduction into the category of valuable ones continues.
Of particular interest is the practice of the Scandinavian countries in the environmental planning of the long-term production or nature conservation goals of each plantation.
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