UDC 630.174:630*524
Key words: Pinus sylvestris L., natural forest regeneration, cutting area, glade, seed tree, border of a forest stand, forest stand.
For citation: Luferov A. O. Distribution of natural regeneration of Pinus sylvestris L. depending on the distance to potential seed sources. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2022, no. 1 (252), pp. 26–35 (In Russian).DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2519-402X-2022-252-1-26-35.
The article presents the results of the processing and analysis of experimental material to identify the influence of the location of seed sources on cutting areas, glades and in plantations not converted to forested lands on the success of pine natural regeneration. Local and foreign experience is analyzed, features and factors influencing the course of pine natural regeneration are revealed. The study was carried out on the territory of 12 forest enterprises of Belarus on 90 temporary indicator plots in upland types of growing conditions (A2B2). It was revealed that about 70% of pine natural regeneration recorded on temporary indicator plots is concentrated at a distance of up to 20 m from the nearest potential seed sources, which are represented by single seed pine trees or a border of a pine forest stand. A graphic model of the distribution of pine natural regeneration depending on the distance of potential seed sources is presented. Recommendations are given for the uniform abandonment of single seed pine trees during final cutting, which will increase the efficiency of pine natural regeneration in cutting areas (by 20% or more).
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