UDC 630*385:574.4:502.4
Key words: drainage of forest land, consequences of drainage, forest productivity, water logging, Nalibotsky Nature Reserve.
For citation: Komar A. Yu., Stsepanovich I. M. Phytocenotic appearance and sanitary condition of the forests of the Nalibotsky nature reserve in the conditions of degradation of drainage systems. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of renewable Resources, 2022, no. 1 (252), pp. 18–25 (In Belarusian). DOI:
Based on the plans of forests and the measurement description of the last five rounds of forest inventory, the features of the dynamics of productivity of the forests of the Rasolishki forestry of the Ivye forestry enterprise within the Nalibotsky nature reserve, which were previously subjected to drainage reclamation (the 70s of the 20th century), are analyzed. To assess the phytocenotic structure and spatial dynamics of drained marsh pine forests, ecological-phytocenotical profiles, or transects, were laid in 5 key sites.
The analysis showed that after drainage reclamation the area of wetlands in the forest fund decreased almost three times in the first decade after drainage. Further, the processes of rewaterlogging and waterlogging of adjacent territories are observed. In the post-melioration period, the area of wetlands is steadily increasing. The average bonitet class of reclaimed forests decreased in the first decade after drainage. Further, there is a constant increase in the productivity of the stand. As a result of the degradation of drainage systems, the sanitary condition of forests in the near-canal space is deteriorating. As a result of drainage reclamation, three of the five key sites (KS-1, 2 and 3) are dominated by communities of the Pineto-Vaccinietum myrtilli (Kobendza 1930) Br.-Bl. et Vlieger 1939 association. The analysis of the spatial dynamics of phytocenoses indicates the absence of significant changes in forest vegetation when moving from the channel to the center of the interchannel space. The greatest variety of plant communities along the perimeter of forest bog.
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