UDC 630*377.4
Key words: mathematical model, skidder, technological equipment.
For citation: Isachenkov V. S., Ariko S. Ye., Simanovich V. A. Mathematical model of skidder with combined technological equipment. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2022, no. 1 (252), pp. 149–154 (In Russian). DOI:
An increase in the productivity of wheeled skidders can be achieved by improving technological equipment. With such changes, it is possible to achieve a redistribution of loads on the supporting systems in the process of movement and to reduce the dynamic loading of machines, increasing their productivity and durability.
The main way of further development of technological equipment for wheeled skidders is the combination of several options, the correct selection of the design of which is due to the natural and climatic conditions of logging.
The article presents a mathematical model of the movement of a wheeled skidder with combined technological equipment, which consists of trailed and mounted modules. It made it possible to carry out a theoretical assessment of the dynamic loading of the main structural elements of a wheeled skidder and combined technological equipment with various options for redistributing a pack of wood raw materials, which makes it possible to increase the productivity of a wheeled skidder when working on soils with a weak bearing capacity from 7 to 17%.
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