UDC 630*383.4
Key words: road construction, production tests, construction of forest roads.
For citation: Lyshchik P. A., Bavbel E. I., Naumenko A. I. Bench and production tests of road structures based on composite low-cement binder. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2022, no. 1 (252), pp. 122–128 (In Russian). DOI:
The article presents bench tests in laboratory conditions of developed road structures using soils reinforced with composite low-cement binders. The main operational characteristics of road surfaces are determined.
It has been established that one of the promising methods for obtaining a solid monolithic structural layer of a road structure capable of taking significant loads from forest transport systems is to strengthen local soils with a new composite low-cement binder made from industrial waste and cement.
Pilot-industrial construction of sections of forest automobile roads of II-l and IV-l categories in the «Negorelsky educational and experimental forestry» and GLHU «Lida Forestry», respectively, was carried out using developed road structures based on fortified local soils.
Pilot-industrial tests of the laid-down sections of forest transport lines have been carried out and have shown good performance under the influence of logging vehicles. Thus, in the «Negorelsky educational and experimental forestry», the track depth in the experimental section was 2.3 cm, while in the control section it was 5.9 cm, which is 61% more. When testing the cement-based pavement for strength, the modulus of elasticity on the test site averaged 129.7 MPa, which is 21.4% higher than on the site using pure portland cement for reinforcement.
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