UDC 331.556.4(8=6)
Key words: Belarusian diaspora, Belarusian emigration, emigration wave, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, world economic crisis.
For citation: Koval V. U. The economic emigration of the Belarusians to Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay (1918–1939). Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2021, no. 2 (251), pp. 24–28 (In Belarusian). DOI:
The article analyzes the intensity of the Belarusian emigration wave to Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay during the interwar period. The world economic crisis had the negative impact on the emigration scale. The best time for the emigration to Brazil was the 1920s. The main export product of Brazil was coffee, so many Belarusian emigrants worked at the coffee plantations. Paraguay has had the most liberal emigration laws among Latin American countries. The Chaco War was an unfavorable period for the emigration to Paraguay. Uruguay became the alternative country for those emigrants who were unable to enter Argentina and Brazil. The economic Belarusian emigrants didn’t have the organizational experience, so their social and political activity was weak. The Belarusian-Ukrainian labor organization “Asveta” (Brazil) and the Cultural Center named after T. Shevchenko (Uruguay) carried out the active social work. During the interwar period the emigration wave consisted of the population of Western Belarus as a part of Poland from 1921 to 1939. The Emigration bureau, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the Emigration syndicate, Ministry of Foreign Affairs controlled the intensity of the emigration processes in Poland and the scale of the Belarusian emigration.
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